CEMDA gets a definitive suspension ruling regarding the amparo on renewable energies
On October 27th we were granted a definitive suspension on the legal action (amparo) filed against the disproportionate increase to the payments which renewable energy generators must make to the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), also referred as Porteo Stamp Rates. With this resolution we contribute to generate better conditions for Mexico to reduce its Greenhouse Effect emissions, while also incentivizing the generation, distribution, and commercialization of renewable energies.
The notice issued by the state company on June 10th of this year increased the rate between 500% and 800%. This raise was based on a resolution emitted by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE). In response, we filed a legal action (amparo) against the notice and the resolution, as they discourage the progress of clean energies by illegally and unjustifiably raising these rates, and prioritizing the generation and consumption of fossil fuels.
We celebrate the Judicial Power’s ruling, that will allow renewable energies to be viable by paying fair rates, which in turn will contribute to reduce polluting emissions stemming from fossil fuels such as petroleum.
Judicial Power must defend Xochimilco, Humanity’s cultural and natural heritage
Xochimilco is classified both as a RAMSAR site and a Protected Natural Area given how it constitutes a wetland of international importance. It has also been declared a Natural and Cultural Heritage of Humanity, a reason for which we call upon the Judicial Power of the Federation to carry out a comprehensive assessment of the case related to the construction of the vehicular bridge connecting “Periférico Sur” and “Canal Nacional” in Xochimilco given the irregularities in the work’s construction, as well as to prioritize the high environmental and cultural value of the area in their decision’s criteria.
So far, both Mexico City’s court as well as the Collegiate Circuit Court have considered that constructing a vehicular bridge helps to guarantee Mexico City’s population right to a healthy environment better that the Xochimilco’s wetland ecosystem does.
The resolutions of both Mexico City’s court and the Collegiate Circuit Court have ignored Xochimilco’s status as a Protected Natural Area. The national and international experiences have demonstrated that the construction of new roads for cars does not effectively help to improve mobility nor the population’s life quality due to all the pollution cars emit into the atmosphere. In contrast, the environmental services wetlands provide are: flood control, groundwater replenishment; protection against storms, sediments and nutrients retention, water purification; housing of aquatic species and contribution to their reproduction; carbon capture, thereby helping in the mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and let us not forget the scenic beauty that encourages tourism
Trust Funds for the attention of Climate Change disappear, despite the call of environmental organizations
During the month of October we repeatedly called on the Chamber of Deputies and Senators to avoid the extinction of the several trust funds destined to culture science and the environment, particularly the Climate Change Fund, given that the excitation of these instruments violates the constitutional obligation of guaranteeing the right to a healthy environment. Due to our current context, it is primordial to make decisions based on the wellbeing of current and future generations. However, both the deputies (with 223 votes in favor) and the senators (65 votes in favor and 51 against) approved the extinction of the Climate Change Fund alongside 108 other trust funds.
We regret the decision made by our legislators, for the disappearance of the Climate Change Fund is a regressive measure that will make the adaptation and mitigation policies that are so necessary to face the climate emergency in our country less operational. Moreover, this decision violates the fulfilment of the human right to the environment and health while also distancing us from reaching the international goals we as a country have committed to.